compiled by Judi Myers
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19721973 1974
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01/04/1973 Chamber of Commerce. License Plates. Library Films. Big Piney Christmas Lighting. Television. M. Mollring Dies. Police Resignation. County Commissioners. Steele's Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary. Cattle Course. F. McWilliams Dies. Wagon Wheel Project. 4 - H. Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. Mr. & Mrs. J. Rogers Adopt Girl. County Fair Winners. Tribute to E. Worl. Bowling.
01/11/1973 Wagon Wheel Project. School by Telephone. Grazing. Forest Service Office Moved to Pinedale. State Representative O'Neil. Bondurant Library. Church News. Swain - Wardell Wed. Taxes. Public Health Nurse. F. Claytor Honored. 4 - H. Skiing. Tribute to Mr. & Mrs. L. Pope. Carroll - Martin Wed. H. Gurney Obituary. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Wilderness. Ladies Guild. M. Abrahamson Dies. Gun Club. Church News. American Legion Auxiliary. Bowling.
01/18/1973 Historical Society. Bluebirds. B. Dougan Nominated. 4 - H. Skiers. Taxes. Local Politicians Reports. Mr. & Mrs. Bert Clark - 60th Wedding Anniversary. Triangle Club. Big Piney Conservation District. Chariot Races. Bowling. Homemakers. T. Kitchen Dies. Health Planning Council. Business and Professional Women. M. Mollring Dies. Servicemen. E. Snyder Dies. Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. R. Knapp, Jr. & Paul Knapp Obituaries. Tribute to Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Feltner.
01/25/1973 All-State Chorus. A. Cooper to Washington D.C. Wagon Wheel Information Committee. Skiers. C. Mariner Elected. Local Politicians Report. Church News. I.G.A. Adversitements. Chariot Races. Fair Winners. 4 - H. Bowling. Libraries. Big Piney Bluebirds. Wassenberg Appointed. K. Houston Honored. University of Wyoming Extension Course. Minson - Scherbel Wed. Farm Bureau. Historical Society. Colorado Meeting. Wagon Wheel Project. Resource Conservation and Development.

02/01/1973 Chariot Races. Timber Sale on Forest. Wagon Wheel Information Committee. B. Shaul Killed. Town Sanitary Landfill. Local Politicians Report. Bridger Notional Forest. Camp Fire Girls. Long-Term Credit for Area Ranchers. Bowling. 4 - H. K. Hill Awarded. Heart Fund Chairman. Forest Service Recreation Charge Programs. Mr. & Mrs. R. Hulen - baby girl. Miss Wyoming Contest. Mr. & Mrs. G. North - baby boy. Tribute to H. L. Johnson. Veterans of Foreign Wars.
02/08/1973 Snowmobile Races. Big Piney Citizens to Fight Drugs. New Chief of Police. R. Kape Deputy Sheriff. Homemakers. Snow Pack. Heart Fund. Wagon Wheel Information Committee. Ski Team. Amen-icon Legion Auxiliary. Bowling. 4 - H. R. Shaul Obituary. Drama. Lion's Club. Mr. & Mrs. J. Huston - baby girl. Public Health Nurse. Skiers. Cowbelles. Sweepstake. B. A. Nelson Obituary. Tribute to C. & M. Clark.
02/15/1973 S. Mahar Killed. Big Piney on Drug Problem. Fishing. Students Seeking Part-time Work. Mental Health Center Planned. Dump Ground. New Pastor. 6th Graders Awarded. Local Politicians. Wagon Wheel Information Committee. Triangle News Club. Bowling. Farm Bureau. Tribute to T. Kitchen. 4 - H. Snow Explorers. Future Homemakers of America. Snowmobile Races. Bluebirds. American Legion Auxiliary. Skiing. Food Stamp Program. Future Farmers of America. Bowling. Cub Scouts. Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary. Appliance Repair Opens. Mr. & Mrs. G. Wilder -baby boy. Cowbelles. Outstanding Teen.
02/22/1973 Consumerama. C. Hubbard Takes Over Texaco Station. Elk. Pinedale Dump. Fremont Water. Walker - Orgill Wed. Bureau of Land Management. Wagon Wheel Information Committee. Bluebirds. 4 - H. Farm Bureau. Tribute to C. & C. Noble. Homemakers. Drama. Mr. & Mrs. G. Mason - baby boy. Gun Club. LaBarge Has Mayor. Local Politicians Report. Concerned Citizens.

03/01/1973 Church News. Rapist Guilty. Mental Health Meeting. J. Carr New Street Commissioner. 4 - H. Homemaker of Year. Bowling. Tribute to J. Livingston. Bluebirds. American Legion Auxiliary. M. Ball Dies. Decker - Orr Wed. Servicemen. E. Weniger Obituary. Skiing. Wagon Wheel Information Committee. C. C. Feltner Dies. Mr. & Mrs. T. McCarthy - baby girl.
03/08/1973 Skiers. Snow Pack. Library Building. Chariot Races. Fishing. Business and Professional Women. Bowling. 4 - H. Consumerama. C. C. Feltner Obituary. Red Cross Drive. Mr. & Mrs. N. Skinner -baby girl. C. Ball Obituary. L. Covell Dies. Utilities increase. Molyneux - Simpson Wed. Homemakers. Mr. & Mrs. J. Schmid - baby girl. National Audubon Society. Tribute to E. Cody.
03/15/1973 Wildlife Federation Awarded. Coyote Bounty. Fireman's Ball. National Wildlife Week. Bowling. Mental Health. Tribute to B. & P. Jackson. Fishing. Big Piney Outstanding Seniors. Bluebirds. Northway Elected. American Legion Auxiliary. Farm Bureau. L. Covell Obituary. Snowmobile Races. Tree Planting on Forest. Triangle Club. I. R. Ferrin Dies. Red Cross. 4 - H. Mr. & Mrs. R. Hansen - baby boy.
03/22/1973 Camp Fire Girls. Fishing. Farm Bureau. Rural School History. Cowbelles. Cattlemen. 4 - H. Chariot Races. Skiing. Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. Library. Volunteer Fire Department. Forest Permittees. Bowling. Helen's Shop 25. Concerned Citizens Meeting. Future Farmers of America. Tribute to L. Miller. Television. Gun Club. Singers Performing. C. Mariner honored. Mr. and Mrs. J. Flugel - baby boy.
03/29/1973 Big Piney Stage Band. Library. Forest. Ski Club. Ranch Woman of Year. Cowbelles. Bowling. Green River Valley Cattlemen's Association. Lions Club. Drug Education Committee. Future Homemakers of America. Helen's Shop. Television. Sheriff's Patrol. 4 - H. Art Show. Homemakers. Road Restrictions Meeting. Gymnastics Clinic. Wildlife Federation. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mr. & Mrs. L. Vance - baby girl. Tribute to H. Atwood. Blue Birds.

04/05/1973 Veterans of Foreign Wars. Spelling Winners. Concerned Citizens. Library. Girls State. Art Shows. Historic Film. D. Ball's Art. Parade Committee. J. Wardell Dies. Homemakers. Mr. & Mrs. E. Bollinger - baby boy. Farm Bureau. Blue Birds. 4 - H. Red Cross. Tribute to M. & G. Steele. Water Appropriations. R. Simpson Dies. Bowling.
04/12/1973 Snow Pack. Daniel School House. Library. Boy's State. Bank Drawing. Doll Show. Mr. & Mrs. G. Miller - baby boy. Job's Daughters. Church News. American Legion Auxiliary. Cancer Crusade, B. Gain Obituary. 4 - H. Shriners. Future Farmers of America. Bowling. Tribute to H. Bray. Bardin - Guio wed. Farm Bureau. Business and Professional Women. Future Farmers of America.
04/19/1973 Boy's State. Libraries. Sievers Appointment. Bowling. Bank. Cub Scouts. Church News. F. Mollring Dies. 4 - H. Servicemen. R. Pulley Dies. Mr. & Mrs. D. Johnson - baby girl. Tribute to H. & D. Gabardi. Speech, Language, and Hearing Therapy in Schools. Blue Birds. Wyoming School Food Service Association. Triangle Club. Mental Health. Television. Gun Club. Fishing. Taxes. Mr. & Mrs. T. Jones - baby boy. Mr. & Mrs. B. Hout - baby boy. Walker - Miller wed.
04/26/1973 City Park. Taxes. Rim Station Break-in. Homemakers. Fire Department. Town Candidates. Concerned Citizens. G. Francisco Dies. Veterans of Foreign Wars. S. Mitchelson Honored. Bureau of Land Management. Tribute to S. & O. Orr. Post Office. Cancer Crusade. 4 - H. Job's Daughters. Television. Wagon Wheel Information Committee. Mr. & Mrs. J. Jensen - baby girl. Elections. Bowling.

05/03/1973 High School Band. Elections. Sentences Given. Concerned Citizens. E. Worl Honored. Bowling. Throat Culture Program. Public Health Nurse. 4 - H. Tribute to A. & B. Aho. Mr. & Mrs. R. Wilson - baby girl. R. Luman Dies. Mr. & Mrs. C. Sheppart - baby girl. G. Hale Honored. Lions. Post Office• Future Farmers of America. Local Selective Service Office Closes. New Forester.
05/10/1973 Veterans of Foreign Wars. Drama. Elections. City Park. "Father of the Year." Business and Professional Women. Cowbelles. Rev. Lanyon Installation. Concerned Citizens. Music Festival. Ladies Guild. Tribute to P. & A. Olson. 4 - H. Girl's State. Big Piney Graduation. Mr. & Mrs. R. Harrower - Baby boy. American Legion. Television Dues.
05/17/1973 Selective Service Office Closed. Mental Health. Elections. Clean Up Week. School Reunion. Servicemen. Speech Therapy. M. Mollring Dies. Business and Professional Women. Tribute to M. & O. Gurney. Catholic Women. American Legion Auxiliary. Homemakers. Mr. & Mrs. J. Gurney - baby girl. Mr. & Mrs. M. Stead - baby boy. Graduation. Latter Day Saints Dance Festival. Boy's State. St. Andrew's Choir. 4 - H. Information, Referral, and Follow - Up Program. Mr. & Mrs. J. Mariner - baby boy. Miss Wyoming TeenAger.
05/24/1973 Bureau of Land Management. Drug Meeting. Camp Fire Girls. Farm Bureau. Rodeo. Library. Faler's Addition. Youth Conservation Corp. Artists Honored. Arbor Day. Senior Girls Luncheon. Graduation. Bowling. "Mr. Conservation." Tribute to T. & F. Delgado. Post Office. 4 - H. Red Cross. American Legion Auxiliary. A. Cranor Honored. Boat Club.
05/31/1973 Sporting Association. Mental Health. Fishing. Washington Committee on Nutrition. New Adults. 4 - H. Television Dues. Servicemen. Tribute to G. & E. Nichols. Bluebirds. Girl Staters at American Legion Auxiliary. Mr. & Mrs. L. Anderson - baby boy. Mr. & Mrs. S. James - baby girl. C. Shaw Dies. T. Horton Dies.

06/07/1973 C. Bing Retires. High School to Mexico. J. Alexander Wins. Poverty Name Explanation. Mental Health. Mr. & Mrs. C. Clark Honored Tuggles Move. T. Horton Obituary. M. Scanlan Honored. Class Reunion. Cramer and Smith wed. Church News. Chuck Wagon Days Parade. Tribute to C. & R. Jorgensen. Fishing. Art Show. Shoe Shop Changes Hands. Homemakers.
06/14/1973 Elections. Highway. Mason's and Eastern Star. Soil Conservation Service. Rodeo Queen. Boy Staters. Barrel Racing. Fire Department. Local Construction. Faler's Has Sauna. Fontenelle Reservoir. Art Show. Dorning - Curtis wed. American Legion Auxiliary. Patterson - Gurney wed. 4 - H. Tribute to L. & E. Tomassi. Roping Club. Bridger - Teton Reforestation. M. Funk. Hale -Vickrey wed. Job's Daughters. Big Piney Ranger. Public Health Nurse. Mr. & Mrs. E. Adams - baby girl.
06/21/1973 Main Street Speed Limit. Auto Accident. Forest Service. Power Blackout. School Election Results. New Editor. Fatal Fire. Rodeo. C. Noble Dies. R. Sharp Dies. Roping. Mr. & Mrs. J. Rogers - Adopts boy. Veterans of Foreign Wars. American Legion Auxiliary. Crawford - Yake wed. 4 - H. Mr. & Mrs. R. Rees -baby boy. Wind Damage. Artist Guild. Comstock - Fisher wed. Tribute to R. & A. Griggs. Riley - Fackrell wed. Barrel Racing. J. Alexander Dies. Mr. & Mrs. E. Kawa - baby girl. "Father-of-the-Year." Camp Fire Girls. National Forest. C. Holt Dies. 9th Annual Vacation Edition. Rendezvous. Square Top. Rodeo. Highways. Sailing Regatta. Wardell Buffalo Trap. Boulder. Wagon Wheel Information Committee. Town Park. Big Piney. Art. Daniel. Branding. Historical Society. Church Services. Children. Bridger - Teton National Forest. Cora. Bondurant. Pinedale.
06/28/1973 Subdivision. Lawn Watering. Chuck Wagon Days. Bondurant Barbecue. Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. Bowling. J. Alexander Dies. Youth Council. Cowbelles. Rodeo. Brownies. 4 - H. Barrel Racing. Roping. Tribute to J. & W. Kaul. Springstead - Macgill wed. High School Poetry. Vandalism. J. Carr Honored. Rendezvous. Mr. & Mrs. J. McKinney - baby boy.

07/05/1973 Rodeo. Rendezvous. Proposed County Expenditures. H. Swain Postmaster. Water at Cemetery. Fishing. Miss Wyoming Teenager. J. Yankey Dies. 4 - H. Highway. Tribute to B. & O.Ray. F. Lawrence Dies. J. Kaul Retires. E. J. Bing Dies. Civil Defense. Art Show. Servicemen. Dump. Roping. Savings Bonds. J. Yankey Dies.
07/12/1973 Speed 'Limit. Subdivision. Rodeo Queen. Rendezvous. Water. School Faculty. Taxes. New Fork River. Camp Fire Girls. County Accident Cost. Wyoming Woolgrowers Association. Mr. & Mrs. B. Ray - 50th Wedding Anniversary. Rodeo. Parade. Tribute to J. & S. Tanner. Horse and Rodeo Winners. Library. Barrel Racing. Chuck Wagon Days. Winfield - Saunders wed. Chamber of Commerce. Baseball. E. J. Bing Obituary. Trailer Visitors.
07/19/1973 County Budget. "Milk Lady" Retires. Dump. Bureau of Land Management. Boat Club. Ladies Guild. Sporting Association - Rodeo. Highway. Agridulture Committee. Mr. & Mrs. C. Thorton - baby girl. Small Business Association. Roping. Rendezvous. Art Show. F. Studt Dies. Artist Guild. Berta - Sines wed. Tribute to Mrs. D. Blackmon. Baseball. Fishing. Barrel Racing. 4 - H. Mr. & Mrs. A. Gosar - baby girl. Currier Resource Manager. Dairy. Homemakers.
07/26/1973 Taxes. Street Leveler. School District Valuation. County Budget. Big Piney Library. A. Boyce Dies. Baseball. 4 - H. Rodeo. W. Wadley dies. Boy Scouts. Tribute to W. & M. Behring. Roping. Wagon Wheel Information Committee. Phone Company. Post Office. Rodeo. Puder - Stott wed. Camp Fire Girls. Mr. & Mrs. T. Gosar - baby girl. Mr. & Mrs. G. Lozier - baby boy.

08/02/1973 Bowling Alley Burned. Weed & Pest. School Valuation. Bank. Camp Fire Girls. Television. Rodeo. Roping. Alexander Wins at Frontier Days. 4 - H. Bonds. Tribute to B. & A. Pape. Hay. Barrel Racing. M. Miller Dies. Art Show Fire at Farm Bureau. A. Travis Dies. R. Franz Dies. Highway Honors. Public Health Nurse.
08/09/1973 Regatta. Water. Baseball. Zone Change Denied. Green River Bridge. Drug Arrests. Wall - Shriver wed. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Museum. Mr. & Mrs. L. Rosendahl Honored. 4 - H. Public Health Nurse. Fishing; Drilling Report. E. Beck Appointment. Tribute to R. & F. Brazell. A. Thompson Dies. Library. Roping. Barrel Racing. C. Thomas Visits. Rodeo. Mr. & Mrs. K. Bowles - baby boy. J. Boulter Obituary.
08/16/1973 Fair. Taxes. Water. Round Up & Mariner Printing in New Offices. Jail. Boat Club. Fishing. Lozier - Martin wed. Cowbelles. Library. Public Health Nurse. Mr. & Mrs. T. Phillips - baby boy. Rodeo. Boy Scouts. Tribute to B. & R. Carr. Local Artist. Barrel Racing. New Forester.
08/23/1973 Bureau of Land Management. Auto Accident. County Fair. M. Weidenbach Dies. Rodeo. Mr. & Mrs. W. Binning - baby boy. Rendezvous. 4 - H. Roping. Servicemen. Taxes. Tribute to D. & A. Budd. Job's Daughters. New Teachers. Raper - LeClair wed. Weed & Pest. Taxes. Baseball. New Principal. Drilling Report. Barrel Racing. M. Raper Appointment.
08/30/1973 Crosswalk. Rodeo. Skyline Drive. School Starts. Fire Destroys Big Piney Mercantile. Roping. Mr. & Mrs. J. Ace - baby boy. Soil Survey. Taxes. Bureau of Land Management. American Legion. Drilling Report. Cycle Races. Ladies' Guild. Mr. & Mrs. C. Schultz - baby girl. Drug Case. D. Wilson Killed. Water.

09/06/1973 Water. Rodeo. 1st Snowstorm. Forest Services Closes Camp Grounds. Airport. Forest Service & Farmers Home Administration. Fishing. Local Artist. Public Health Nurse. Drilling Report. Bureau of Land Management. Taxes. Girls' and Boys' Staters. Saddle Shop. Tribute to County. Yancy - Homer wed. Big Piney Weather. Guio - Withrow wed. Rendezvous. Chamber of Commerce. Bureau of Land Management. 4 - H. E. Beck Chairs Cystic Fibrosis. Fair Winners. Local Gardens. Hughes - Mackey wed. Soil Survey Meeting. Bowling. K. Snyder Dies.
09/13/1973 Bureau of Land Management. Rodeo. Water. Television. Iowa Farmers Visit Ranchers. Taxes. New Teachers. Public Health Nurse. Democratic Delegate. Electric Utilities. Tribute to T. & E. Wiederanders. 4 - H. Highway Fatality. Artist Guild. Mr. & Mrs. L. Hubbard - baby boy. R. Meeks Dies. Cystic Fibrosis. Highway.
09/20/1973 Community Education. Big Piney Homecoming. Sheep Killed. Bureau of Land Management. Oil Spill. Recreation Areas Closed. Catholic Women. District Conservationist. Taxes. Game. Hill Ranch Inc. Canoe Trip. Travel. Drilling Report. Cystic Fibrosis. American Legion and Auxiliary. R. Meeks Dies. Homemakers. 4 - H. Fair Winners. Bellamy's Move. Forest Service. County Road.
09/27/1973 Homecoming. Bureau of Land Management. Water. Historical Society. School Building. Dump. Big Piney Ranger District. Public Health Nurse. Drilling Report. Backpacking. Wagon Wheel Project. CleanUp Month. Artist Guild. 4 - H. Homemakers. Triangle Club. Cystic Fibrosis. Timber Sale. Forest Service. Cancer Crusade. Camp Fire Girls. Rodeo. Mr. & Mrs. F. Nichols - baby boy. Mr. & Mrs. R. Ecklund - baby girl. Truck Accident. Booster Club. Catholic Women. Mr. & Mrs. C. Stoner -baby girl. Mr. & Mrs. D. Calvert - baby girl.

10/04/1973 Homecoming. Bureau of Land Management. Taxes. Burglars. Rodeo. County Abstract and Title Company Moved. 4 - H. Planning and Zoning. Punt, Pass, & Kick Contest. Trail Ride Featured. Taxes. Drilling Report. Auto Accident. Tribute to Baseball Commissioners and Helpers. Bluebirds. Cancer Society. Eastern Stars. Homemakers. Future Farmers of America. Conservation District. LaBarge Picnic. High Meadow Ranch Water System. Church News. Bridge Club.
10/11/1973 Farm Bureau. Search for Dead Man Unsuccessful. Catholics here 20 years. Throat Culture Program. Cemetery. Mental Health. Public Health Nurse. 4 - H. Art Show. Business and Professional Women. Tribute to Coma. Mr. & Mrs. V. Gilliam - baby boy. A. Neely Dies. Veterans of Foreign Wars. County Roads. Future Farmers of America.
10/18/1973 Unidentified Woman Found at Faler Lake. Dump. Pine Street Changes. Water. Forest Service. Wilderness. Studies. Subdivisions. Farm Bureau. Drilling Report. Taxes. Historical Society. Boosters. Tribute to Daniel. Homemakers. Bluebirds. American Legion Auxiliary. Ranger District. Camp Fire Girls. Prize Saddle. Miller -Thomas wed. A. Neely Dies. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Firewood. Snow Surveys.
10/25/1973 Big Piney Landfill. Waterline, Pipe Damage. Public Health Nurse. Dead Woman Identified. Subdivisions. County Featured in Magazine. Public Health Nurse. I. Shannon Honored. Camp Fire Blue Birds. Church News. Ed Todds - 50th Wedding Anniversary. Cystic Fibrosis. Tribute to Boulder. American Legion Auxiliary. Bureau of Land Management, Land Use. Fishing. Drilling Report. Servicemen. Homemakers. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Miller - Thomas wed. Telephone Companies. Conservation District.

11/01/1973 Television. Grand old Party. Hunting. Power Failure. Booster Club. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Drilling Report. Green River Water. Tribute to Mr. & Mrs. F. Barger. Findlay - Myers wed. Vickrey - Carroll wed. 4 - H. Zoning Commission. Public Health Nurse. Old Photo of New Fork Post Office and Store. Adult Home Economics Classes. Taxes. Church News. Wm. Thomas Dies. Landfill.
11/08/1973 Zoning Requests. Chamber of Commerce. Agriculture Lands. American Legion Auxiliary. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Drilling Report. Highway. Tribute to County Citizens. Bluebirds. 4 - H. Shomma -Hendricks wed. Shomma - Williams wed. Veteran's Day Celebration. L. Trenary Dies. M. Mickelson Cancer Speaker. D. Budd Speaks in Washington D.C. Business and Professional Women. Hunter Missing. Hunter Missing. Homemakers. Mr. & Mrs. L. Fast - baby boy. Democrats.
11/15/1973 K. Korfanta - Assistant Director of United States Ski Team. Wranglers on All-State Team. Library. Hunter Still Missing. A. Sims Dies. Editor Change. Snow Explorers. Grand old Party. Veteran's Day. Camp Fire Girls. J. Alexander - Rodeo. American Legion Auxiliary. Police Chief. L. Holben Dies. ~Blue Birds. Triangle Club. Lively Livestockers. Drilling Report. Public Health Nurse. Canning - Dew wed. Democrats. Chamber of Commerce. Cancer Crusade. Boy Scouts.
11/22/1973 "Funds for Tammy" Hoyt With Leukemia. Skiing. Speed Limit. Search and Rescue. Homemakers. Red Cross. Business and Professional Women. Tribute to G. & J. Rahm. Blue Birds. 4 - H. A. Meyer Obituary. Film. H. Jensen Dies. Mr. & Mrs. D. Miller - baby girl.
11/29/1973 Historical Fund Drive. Library. Boy Scout Fund. D. Budd in Washington D.C. Wagon Wheel Information Committee. Conservation District. M. Lovatt Awarded by American Legion Auxiliary. Films. Catholic Youth Organization. Boulder Irrigation District. 4 - H. Bureau of Land Management. R. Taylor Dies. Early Area Photos. Bowling Alley Closes. J. Lewis Dies. Art Show. Pearson - Paravicini wed. E. Boyd Dies. St. Andrew's Dedication. Gun Club. Town Changes Made. H. Molyneaux Awarded. M. Mayre Richardson Obituary.

12/06/1973 Chamber of Commerce. County Meeting on Wild Rivers. Skating Pond. Throat Culture Program. Wagon Wheel Information Committee. Ski Swap. Business and Professional Women. Tammy Hoyt's Progress. 4 - H. Cemetery. Camp Fire Girls. Magnitsky - Dew Wed. Mr. & Mrs. C. Kelly - baby boy. Homemakers. Post Office Parking. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Public Health Nurse. Snickerdoodles. Fire at Tyler Ranch. Town Snow Vehicle Operations. R. Taylor Dies.
12/13/1973 Chamber of Commerce. Telephone. Students Tests. Draft Environmental Statement on Fontenelle. Alexander Wins - Rodeo. Pole Decorating. Farm Bureau. Cemetery. Wagon Wheel Project. Granite Hot Springs. Game and Fish. Servicemen. 4 - H. C. Tanner Bishop Obituary. Kendall Rangers. Mineral Report. Homemakers. Range Society. Church News. Pak - Springstead Wed. Water Line Work. Throat Culture Program.
12/20/1973 Church News. Forest Service Wood Permits. Skating. Chamber of Commerce. J. Alexander Wins World Title. Snowmobile Races. Bluebirds. Skiing. Taxes. Boy Scouts. Business and Professional Women. Daniel Feeders Beef Club. Highway. Homemakers. Mr. & Mrs. T. Chamberlain - baby girl. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mr. & Mrs. D, Woirhaye - baby girl. Gooch - Holladay Wed. Triangle Club. Pole Decorations. Ladies Guild. Children's Christmas Art. Public Health Nurse. Zoning. Camp Fire Girls. D. Winfield Honored. Business and Professional Women.
12/27/1973 Big Piney Airport. Mental Health. Mr. & Mrs. P. Vance - baby girl. Mr4. & Mrs. D. Stewart - baby boy.

19721973 1974
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Credits & Copyright Notice
This index to the Pinedale Roundup Newspaper of Sublette County, Wyoming was compiled over a 20 year period by Judi Myers for the years 1904-1969 & 1980-1999 and by Ann Noble for the years 1970-1979. Jane Warinner typed the original manuscripts in four separate volumes. The printed volumes were scanned by Clint Gilchrist for the electronic edition, but the numerous scan errors were proof read and corrected by Judi Myers. It is being hosted and maintained online by Wind River Web Services at To read the actual articles, note the date and take your requests to the Sublette County Library (PO Box 489, 155 S. Tyler, Pinedale, Wyoming, 82941 or phone 307-367-4114) or Wyoming State Archives (Historical Research Dept., Barrett State Office Bdg., 2301 Central Ave., Cheyenne, WY 82002 or phone 307-777-7826, Both institutions have early year Roundups on microfilm and later year issues hard-bound. Thanks to the generosity of Judi, feel free to download, print and use the electronic edition at no charge, but reproduction, publication or distribution of any of this material is prohibited without permission.

Pinedale Roundup Index 1904-1999
© 2001