Calendar of Events
Sublette County Fair
High School Rodeo
Chuckwagon Day Rodeo
Rendezvous Rodeo
Lil' Buckaroo Rodeo
Fair Rodeo
Cowboy Shop Classic Roping
Green River Rendezvous
Guest Speakers
Pelt & Plew Buffalo Feast
Rendezvous Golf Scramble
Ramblefun walk/run
DeSmet Mass
Fishing Events
Kid's Fishing Day
Ice Fishing Derby
Half Moon Lake Resort Fishing Derby
Father's Day Fishing Derby
Bondurant Events
Bondurant Barbecue
Heritage Days
Snowmobile Races
Grass Drags
Snowmobile Oval Race
Pinedale 100
Winter Carnival
Poker Runs
Sled Dog Races
Pinedale Classic
Green River Rondy
Volunteer Fire Department Fundraisers
Marbleton/Big Piney Catfish Fry
Pinedale Fireman's Ball
Boulder Annual Open House & Barbecue
Daniel Fireman's Poker Run
Museum Fundraisers
Hard Hats & Stetsons Museum
of the Mountain Man's Annual Wreath Auction
Pinedale Fine Arts
Black Tie & Blue
Seasonal Events
Daniel Events
Daniel Pie & Ice Cream Social
Aniel Daniel Chili Cook - Off
Daniel Library Tea
Annual Old Timers Picnic
Daniel Community Center Christmas Party
Chuckwagon Days
Waterhole #3 Days
LaBarge Fest
Annual Beach Party
LaBarge 4th Celebration
4th July Town Picnic
Sublette Center's Annual Picnic
Community Picnic LaBarge, Big Piney & Marbleton
Pinedale Boat Club Annual Picnic
Sailing Regatta
Daniel Community Center Christmas
Boulder Community Center
Christmas Party
Shop at Home Weekend
Holiday Craft
Winter Parade
Tree Lighting Ceremony
Museum of the Mountain Man Wreath
Live Nativity
Festival of Lessons & Carols
St. Anne's Christmas Bazaar
County Fair
Sublette County Fair is packed
with entertainment and fun. The members of the Fair Board do a great job.
They put in a lot of time and hard work organizing, advertising and bringing
a variety of entertainment to our fair. There is something for everyone
to enjoy. One of the many highlights is the Lil'
Buckaroo Rodeo. The audience holds their breath as these young
cowboys and cowgirls try their hand at bronc riding. The evening ends
with the youngest contestants competing in the stick horse barrel race.
The greased pig contest is another favorite, the crowd roars with laughter
watching the wave a kids overtaking the slimy critters. If it has been
awhile since you came to the fair, spend a day wandering through the hall
exhibits seeing all of the talent put into these wonderful projects. Spend
some time viewing the livestock shows and watch the participants as they
receive their awards for a job well done. Enjoy the wonderful food which
some how tastes more delicious in the atmosphere of the fair festivities.
Finish the night off at the rodeos with many local cowboys and cowgirls
participating in the fast paced events. Visit the Sublette
County Fair web page to enjoy all the pictures from last years fair.
Plan on coming to the fair, take the time out of your busy schedule and
have some fun. Better yet, share your talent and creativity with your
fellow county residents by entering one of your projects in next year's
fair. Return to top
are one of the favorite sports in Sublette County. Ropings, cuttings and
barrel racing are held throughout the year, especially now that we have
the Sublette County Ag Center. The High
School Rodeo is usually held here, in Sublette County, in the
early part of summer, either at the Pinedale Rodeo Grounds or the Fairgrounds
near Big Piney. High School students from all over the state come to participate.
Chuckwagon Days Rodeo is held the night of July 3rd and begins
on the 4th right after the free barbecue held at the Sublette County Fairgrounds.
During Rendezvous week we can enjoy
three nights of rodeos beginning on Thursday with the finals being held
on Satuday night.
of the all time favorite rodeo here in the county is the Lil'
Buckaroo Rodeo. This is when all the younger cowboys and cowgirls
get a chance to participate in events like: "mutton busting",
calf riding, and the stick horse barrel racing .
The Lil' Buckaroo Rodeo and
the Fair Rodeo are held during
the week of the Sublette County Fair in late July and early August.. Enjoy
pictures from last year's fair and Lil' Buckaroo Rodeo on our
Fair Page.
Closer to fall we have the Cowboy Shop Classic
Roping Competition, sponsored by the Cowboy Shop in Pinedale.
Open only to Sublette County and LaBarge residents or by special invitation.
This event is held at the Pinedale Rodeo grounds.  |
River Rendezvous
Green River Rendezvous is an annual
event held the second weekend of July. In the early 1800's six of the
Rendezvous were held in the Green River Valley near Daniel. The Rendezvous
was a time of trading and socializing for the mountain men, trappers,
traders and Indians. Since 1936 the residents of Sublette County have
donated their time and talent to present the Green
River Rendezvous Pageant free to the public. They reenact the
historical events of these past Rendezvous. Events that had such an impact
on this area and our nation. The Pinedale Fine Arts Council and the Sublette
County Historical Society also bring in guest speakers each year. You
can enjoy shopping along Traders' Row,
or shooting a black powder rifle with the in resident mountain man at
the museum. Don't miss the Pelt & Plew Buffalo
Feast sponsored by the Sublette County Historical Society and
Museum of the Mountain Man. If you've never tasted buffalo meat, find
out what you are missing. Kids of all ages enjoy the Rendezvous
Parade and then there are also hands on activities for the
children at the museum. The golf tournament and Rendezvous
Ramblefun walk/run are also fun activities to participate in
during the week. Mass is held at the
DeSmet monument on Sunday morning, commemorating the first Catholic mass
held in this territory. The Sublette County residents puts so much effort
and hard work into giving a variety of entertainment and activities and
making sure there is something for everyone to enjoy. For more information
visit our companion website Pinedale
Online Rendezvous webpage. Return to top
Fishing Events
Fishing Day clinic has been held on the first Saturday in June since
1990. Kids get a chance to learn the basics of fishing at Pinedale's Town
Pond stocked by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. They learn to identify
fish, tie knots, thread worms, cast, fly-casting and hands on instruction
for properly releasing a fish. After the instruction kids practice what
they learn..
Father's Day Fishing Derby
is sponsored by the Pinedale
Boat Club It is held at Lakeside Lodge on Fremont Lake. This event
has been going on so long no one can remember when it started. This derby
is for members only, however membership is open to anyone. Prize money
is awarded.
The Annual Ice Fishing
Derby on Fremont Lake is also sponsored by the Pinedale
Boat Club. This two day event usually draws about 100 entrants, and
is open for members and nonmembers. Cash prizes are given for biggest
fish, biggest brown and biggest trout. Return to top
Bondurant Events
Bondurant Barbecue is held the last
Sunday in June. On August 3, 1941, the dedication celebration was held
for St. Hubert the Hunter's Church. The barbecue has been held annually
ever since. The beef is donated by local ranchers. The money raised goes
to maintain church, community hall and several local and county services.
View photos of the 2001
Bondurant Barbecue. The Annual Bondurant
Heritage Days are held at the church in August. Return
to top
are several races throughout the year sponsored by the Pinedale
Snow Explorers Snowmobile Club. Anxious for winter, they begin the
season early in September with the Grass Drags
held at the west end of Pinedale. In February the Snowmobile
Oval Races are held at Sagebrush Downs, a race track north
of Cora, Wyoming. In March the Pinedale
100 is held on frozen Fremont Lake, teams from all over Western
Wyoming come to participate. Several Poker Runs
are held throughout the winter and the Winter
Carnival is held at Half Moon Lake Resort. Return
to top
Sled Dog Races
The two day Pinedale
Classic sled dog race is held in early January in the scenic Upper
Green River Valley. There are two classes in this race; the 6 dog class
travels 15 miles each day and the 12 dog class which goes 30 miles each
day. In late January and early February the IPSSSDR
(International Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race) has Pinedale as one
of its stage stops. This race is nearly 500 miles long and takes 11 days.
It is one of the qualifying events for the Iditarod. The Green
River Rondy is a 7.1 mile race, that takes place in early
March in the Upper Green River Valley north of Cora. Return
to top
Fire Department Fundraisers
The Volunteer Fire Departments of Sublette County are invaluable to us.
These are the people we call on in a minute notice. They are residents
of our county that have made a commitment to be there in an emergency.
There are several fundraisers throughout the year to help finance these
special organizations.
The Big
Piney/Marbleton Catfish Fry in the middle of July is
held at the Marbleton Fire Hall. There is no cover charge but freewill
donations are appreciated. There are fire engine rides complete with sirens
for kids of all ages. In March the Pinedale
Fire Department holds the Annual Open House and Firemen's
Ball. In February the Daniel
Volunteer Fire Department has their Annual
Poker Run. The Boulder
Volunteer Fire Company has their Open
House & Barbecue in September. Return
to top
In the Spring the Green River Valley Museum holds their annual fundraiser
"Hard Hats & Stetsons",
named for the big role that ranching and the oil industry have in our
county's history. There are silent & live auctions, with goods and
services donated by individuals and businesses of this area. This annual
event is usually held at the Waterhole #3 in Marbleton, wonderful food
and dancing complete the evening. Two of the major fundraisers for the
Museum of the Mountain are the Wreath
Auction, held during the holiday season and during Rendezvous
week the Pelt & Plew Buffalo Feast.
Return to top
Pinedale Fine Arts
The Pinedale Fine Arts Council
brings many cultural events to our county each year. Musical concerts,
dancing, storytellers, plays, poets and comedy routines make up the variety
of performances that are brought to our communities. They also provide
cultural workshops, residencies and exhibitions. The Pinedale Fine Arts
Council has brought Native American historian Michael Terry and many other
guest speakers to add to the festivities of Rendezvous week. The Black
Tie and Blues Fundraiser, held in November, is an opportunity
for the community to generously support the Pinedale Fine Arts Council.
Return to top
Daniel Events
Community Center (the old Daniel Schoolhouse) hosts several events that
this community organizes throughout the year. The Old
Fashioned Pie & Ice Cream Social is held in February, an
event to help keep that cabin fever away. In March, the Daniel Community
Club really warms things up with the Aniel Daniel
Chili Cook-Off. A chance for everyone to get their fill of
the delicious chili and then finish up with a dessert auction. In July
the Annual Old Timer's Picnic is held
at the Daniel Community Center, a wonderful time to reminisce with the
county's senior residents. The Daniel Community celebrates the Holiday
Season with their annual Christmas Party.
Return to top
Chuck Wagon Days
The 4th of July is celebrated in Big Piney and Marbleton with
Chuck Wagon Days and has been annually since 1934. The 4th festivities
begin at 10 a.m. with a parade down Big Piney's main street, followed
by a free BBQ at the Sublette County Fairgrounds. The night rodeo is held
on the 3rd and an afternoon rodeo on the 4th. In the everyone can enjoy
the fireworks display out at the Rodeo grounds.
Return to top
Waterhole #3 Days
Waterhole #3 Days consists of a Cowboy Open Golf Tournament, dance, horseshoe
tournament, and sand volleyball. These events are sponsored by Bob and
Helen Tanner owners of The Waterhole #3 in Marbleton. Cowboy golf is played
on the bluffs northeast of Marbleton. Sand traps look easy compared to
the sagebrush, gopher holes and cow pies encountered on this impromptu
course. Return to top
LaBarge Events
Our neighbors in LaBarge know how to have a good time.
Each summer they put on their Annual Beach Party at the Eagle Bar. Where
else in Wyoming are you likely to find palm trees and beach volleyball.
It has been held the second Saturday in June since 1986. Did we mention
they are cardboard palm trees? Described as and "oasis in a sea of
sage", this annual event a place to have a good time playing beach
volleyball, horseshoes, and dancing to live music on a dance floor covered
with sand. Return to top
The Town of Pinedale celebrates the 4th July
with a Town Picnic and Fireworks.
The Sublette Center's Annual Picnic
is held in August. It is hosted by the retirement center. LaBarge,
Big Piney & Marbleton have a Community
Picnic each year in August, to welcome new community members
and start off the new school year. The Old Timer's
Picnic is held in July at the Daniel Community Center.
Return to top
Sailing Regatta
Little America Sailing Regatta on
Fremont Lake is a two day, five race competition. It is held the first
weekend in August, hosted by the Fremont Yacht Club and the Pinedale
Boat Club. Sail boats of all kinds make a colorful picture against
the pristine blue water of Fremont Lake. Return
to top
Christmas Events
The Daniel Community Center has its Christmas Party at the
old Daniel School House. The Boulder Christmas Party is held at the Boulder
Community Center. The Pinedale Area Chamber of Commerce has a "Shop
at Home Weekend", this includes a Holiday Craft Fair, pictures with
Santa, Winter Parade and a Tree Lighting Ceremony. The Museum of the Mountain
Man has its annual Wreath Auction. Festival of Lessons & Carols.
St. Anne's Christmas Bazaar,
held the Saturday before Thanksgiving at the Big Piney High School. This
bazaar is sponsored by the CCW (Council of Catholic Women). The usual
hours are from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. This is a great place to do you Holiday
shopping with a wide variety of crafts, arts, toys and more. While you
are there enjoy the soup luncheon. For more information contact Jennifer
Banks at 276-3880 or Renell at 276-5696.
Festival of Lessons and Carols - Calling
All Singers! The Community Choir is rehearsing for our annual Festival
of Lessons and Carols program. Rehearsals are Sundays at 5 p.m. at
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 512 N. Tyler in Pinedale. For more information
call 367-4627.
Museum of the Mountain Man's Holiday Open House
and Annual Wreath Auction in
the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library. If you would like to make a wreath
for the auction please call 367-4101
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