SUpper Green River Basin Chapter


Membership Application form (PDF)

Welcome Letter


Our regular meetings are usually the 3rd Tuesday of the month, at the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale.

No meetings are scheduled at this time.
Summer/Fall meetings and field trips TBA

Archaeology Links:
Wyoming Archaeological Society

The Wyoming Archaeologist

Archaeology News

Wyoming Archaeology on Twitter

Archaeological Updates (WAPA and WAS)

Related Articles:

March 2011 WAS meeting - Mike Hawkins LaBarge hobby archaeology (March 17, 2011)

Lander Trail-New Fork River Crossing Historical Park
(September 30, 2010)

WAS Meeting at the Green River Valley Museum - Dave Crowley, Wagner Variant of Lander Trail (June 15, 2010)

Archaeology on the Anticline (April 22, 2010)

Utah Artifact Roadshow article (PDF)



Upper Green River Basin Chapter
of the Wyoming Archaeological Society
Membership form (PDF)



No meetings are scheduled at this time. Summer meetings and field trips TBA.


MEMBERSHIP: Dues for 2022 membership are due in February. If you would like to be a member for 2022, please mail payment ($25/Individual, $30/Family, $50/Institution-Company) to the address below. The chapter membership form can be found here: Make checks out to Upper Green River Basin WAS. Membership dues help support WAS efforts at the state and local level including paying travel for speakers to come here to give great presentations.

For more information contact Dawn Ballou, Secretary/Treasurer UGRB Chapter WAS,

2022 Officers (new officers elected in January of each year):
Clint Gilchrist, President
Dave Vlcek, Vice-President
Dawn Ballou, Secretary/Treasurer

Send memberships to:
Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming Archaeological Society
PO Box 412
Pinedale, WY 82941-0412

(scroll down for more information on WAS membership)


WAS in Sublette County, Wyoming
Wyoming Archaeological SocietyThe focus of the Upper Green River Basin Chapter of the WAS is archaeology in the Upper Green River Valley in western Wyoming. This is an area rich in history with archaeological artifacts dating back 10,000 years. Glaciation prior to 10,000 years ago effectively obliterated any archaeological evidence which may have been in many parts of our county.

Our efforts will be centered on education and information related to archaeology, preserving and protecting local archaeological sites, and socializing with others with a common interest in local area archaeology. We plan to have guest speakers, field trips and casual meetings. We encourage the promotion of scientific research and cooperation between the avocational archaeology enthusiast and professional archaeologists.

There are no qualification requirements to join.

Anyone with an interest is welcome. Dues are $25/year for an Individual, $30/year for a Family, $50/year for Institutional/Companies (US). Dues help pay for The Wyoming Archaeologist publication, published twice a year, as well as scholarships to worthy students. In addition, $1.00 and $2.40 from each individual and family membership respectively, is paid to the Wyoming Archaeological Foundation to help further scientific research in Wyoming and to aid in the management of the Hell Gap Site.

The Upper Green River Basin Chapter is formed in partnership with the Sublette County Historical Society, the parent organization of the Museum of the Mountain Man.

WAS membership
Please mail to:

Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming Archaeological Society
PO Box 412
Pinedale, WY 82941-0412

1. To promote and disseminate archaeological knowledge and understanding to the citizens of Wyoming.
2. To preserve, protect, and respect archaeological material and sites.
3. To preserve important archaeological sites and collections by acquiring them for study purposes.
4. To promote scientific research and encourage cooperation between avocational and professional archaeologist.
5. To cooperate and coordinate with the Wyoming State Archaeologist and other persons and agencies concerning archaeological investigations.
6. To respect the dignity of groups whose cultural histories are the subject of archaeological investigations.

- Field trips to important archaeological sites
- Possible field work including surface collections and excavations on private lands
- Stewardship and volunteer programs associated with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
- Presentations by knowledgeable archaeologists.

For more information about the Upper Green River Basin Chapter WAS, please contact the Museum of the Mountain Man: 307-367-4101, e-mail: For more information about the Wyoming Archaeological Society, see

Upper Green River Basin Chapter of the Wyoming Archaeological Society
PO Box 412, Pinedale, Wyoming 82941-0412
This webpage donated and maintained by Pinedale Online! For more info, contact Dawn Ballou,