Upper Green River Basin Chapter


Welcome Letter




Membership Information
Membership form

Anyone interested is welcome to join the Upper Green River Basin Chapter of the Wyoming Archaeological Society.

2022 Annual dues in the Upper Green River Basin Chapter WAS are $25/year for an Individual, $30/year for a Family, $50/year for Institution/Company. Dues help pay for The Wyoming Archaeologist publication, published twice a year, as well as scholarships to worthy students. In addition, $1.00 and $2.40 from each individual and family membership respectively, is paid to the Wyoming Archaeological Foundation to help further scientific research in Wyoming and to aid in the management of the Hell Gap Site. The WAS is a non-profit organization.


1. To promote and disseminate archaeological knowledge and understanding to the citizens of Wyoming.
2. To preserve, protect, and respect archaeological material and sites.
3. To preserve important archaeological sites and collections by acquiring them for study purposes.
4. To promote scientific research and encourage cooperation between avocational and professional archaeologist.
5. To cooperate and coordinate with the Wyoming State Archaeologist and other persons and agencies concerning archaeological investigations.
6. To respect the dignity of groups whose cultural histories are the subject of archaeological investigations.

Benefits of Membership

1. Receive The Wyoming Archaeologist, published twice a year.
2. Opportunities to participate in various archaeological excavations, surveys, research, and analysis.
3. Field trips to archaeological and historic sites.
4. Local WAS chapter meetings featuring guest lecturers and workshops
5. Participation in Wyoming Archaeology Awareness Month (September) planning activities geared to people of all ages.
6. Annual statewide conference where Society members and professionals present slide shows, workshops, and artifact exhibits.

2022 Membership Dues - Upper Green River Basin Chapter WAS
Individuals may choose to belong to a local chapter (dues vary) or only to the state organization. Upper Green River Basin Chapter WAS annual dues are as follows:

Individual - $25.00 per year
Family - $30.00 per year
Institutional/Companies (US) $50.00 per year

Make checks out to: WAS-Green River Basin

Please mail to:
Upper Green River Basin, WAS
PO Box 412
Pinedale, WY 82941-0412

Membership valid from January 1 through December 31 of each year, with renewal due in January, but no later than March 31. Members applying late may miss issues of The Wyoming Archaeologist publication. Please make checks or money order payable to: WAS-Green River Basin

Welcome Letter (PDF)
Membership form (PDF)

For more information click here for the WAS brochure.
Click here for the revised 1991 WAS bylaws.
Main website for the WAS: www.WyomingArchaeology.org

Membership inquiries and application materials for the Upper Green River Basin Chapter of the Wyoming Archaeological Society can be sent to Dawn Ballou, Secretary/Treasurer, at the address below:

Upper Green River Basin Chapter
Wyoming Archaeological Society

PO Box 412
Pinedale, WY 82941-0412

Contact: was@sublette.com

Wyoming Archaeology

Upper Green River Basin Chapter of the Wyoming Archaeological Society
PO Box 412, Pinedale, Wyoming 82941-0412
